A d20 Dice Roller with player hand saving functions. source code: github.com/nickogibson/Dice-Roller Want to embed the dice roller on your page? The diceroller is hosted on github, and on IPFS as a test of what was possible.
Embedding the github link.
<iframe width="100%" height="500px" src="https://nickogibson.github.io/app/DiceRoller/"></iframe>
If your page has black or other color background that can’t see black text well. You’ll have to style the dicebox differently. For example
<div id="diceBox" width="100%" style="background-color: #FFFFFF; height:500px;"><iframe height="100%" width="100%" src="https://nickogibson.github.io/games.io/DiceRoller"></iframe></div>
Adding id=”diceBox” is optional but then you can change the thing in css instead. Then you can maybe remove the scrollbar or change the whole thing
I don’t plan on changing the code, even though it could be better.